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away, on helium balloons.

♥ the lady
I'm not superhero but i'll save the world someday. I'm actually an alien from outer space in the morning & i turn into a vampire at night.I fly around on heliumballoons & dance around coconut trees.I live in mokopopo island with my darling friend called barney the bunny.I love talking & i can talk & talk & talk until the cows start jumping over the moon.Nah, I was kidding out the part bout the cows jumping over the moon cause the cows are too fat to jump.I think flying roaches are like super disgusting to the max even worse than hugging a slimy alien with 10arms, 3heads & 5butts.Okay, iam having second thoughts bout hugging the alien with 5butts cause that sounds reeelly scary.I can be preetty awesome so lets be friends :D You've just accessed a chunk loads of information bout me & you're going to be dead! In actual fact, I'm just Grace, your average eighteen yr old girl :D

♥ the venting machine

♥ the exits
alicia baoyi beatrice bernadine devien dorothy fiona grace ken rebecca shawn shiling weijie - accion brenice farhan grace - 1h11 calvin fabian huimin sindy weiling wenyi
- Kraga Ebenzer Huiwen Priscilla Roy Sue
- Desmond Ingah Jasmine Winnie

The past:
December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009

♥ play me some luv

Saturday, June 6, 2009 { 5:06 PM }

but i might come back once in awhile to update here :D
Friends, ask me for my new url & i might give it to you!

Friday, June 5, 2009 { 9:45 PM }

i need one to catch away all the weird dreams.

Thursday's dream : Me crying.Nich talking to me & Shiling borrowing shorts from me.

Today's dream : Both my sissys in the same accounting class as me & i screwed up the accounting test even my youngest sissy got higher grade than me then my mum was super angry scolded me in class then i was like crying then class dismiss so i ran outta class crying then my alarm clock woke me up

i wann a dreamcatcher i think its really pretty haha! okay i'll been sticking to my "everyday must swim" plan for 3 consecutive days already iam so proud of myself :D

okay go venture time again LOL!

i think this time, it worked.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009 { 9:35 PM }


See nich i said i'll post this up here :D
but next time please please please draw me nicer cann! ><

okiedokey exams are over.okay my first and only and last paper ended today & my balance sheet cant balance and i any o' how fill in all the answers yay to me sia.i did study reallyreally but i kinda blanked out during the paper D: ohwells its over.if the acc tutor kp me the most i give my saddest face ever see whether he still wanner scold me not hoho! hiakhiak i bet my plan is so gonner work!

okay sakae outing today with shiling neighbour, nich wenhao zy and shiling's 2other friends hoho! i think i ate like a pig but on the other hand i was merely eating my sadness away! but after all the eating i felt really guilty to the max i think the guilt level is like sky high so i went off for a swim just now hoho! from 7.45 - 8.50 :D but it was really freaky i tell you whole pool no one i scared so swim awhile jiu left already.i think iam gonna go for a swim tmr again after all the room packing and stuff :D

my lil sissy's sleeping in my room on my bed.she just came in and make herself super comfortable on my bed.but iam kinda scared she'll drool on my pillow and bolster! :/ but on the other hand she looks really cute when she's sleeping & her bday's coming soon like really soon 8june and idk what on earth to get for her.last yr was toys.this year i seriously have no idea anymore D: betta go present scouting soon i guess.

okay chua we need to like go for a shopping session soon like seriously.betta make yourself free hor!

okay sec school outing's on the 11th hohoho.okay i'll go watch my boys over flowers now hohoho.iam at epi 18 already! & wenhao looks like yijung just in that scene lar! OTHER SCENES DONT LOOK LIKE HOHO!

okiedokey goodbyee :D

Sunday, May 31, 2009 { 9:07 PM }

Tmr's ssm proficiency test 1 & iam so not prepared for it.on the bright side facebook says my lucky day this week's on monday which is tmr which is the ssm pt1 meaning i'll ace the test hoho.i should trust facebook right! :D
& hols are gonner be here soon.one hour of accounting on wed & hoohoo hols! :D

anyone wanner go to the zoo with me during the hols ? or maybe a picnic! :D

Friday, May 29, 2009 { 11:15 PM }

HOHO HOLS ARE HERE! okay to be exact after monday's ssm proficiency test & the wed accounting paper then grace will go sleep like a pig everyday hoho! haven been getting enough sleeep recently D:

iam so gonner sleeep 15hours hoho! then study for my accounting paper.dear fairygodmother if you exist please please please gimme the answers for the accounting paper on wed okay! :D

another 2-3months or so gonner change class again! D: screw tp.just when iam starting to feel really comfortable ard with my new friends D:

btw those are the retarded boys in my class hoho! zhengyi wenhao clement & nich.derick's not in cause he aint retarded like them hoho! :D

okay to be fair.only zhengyi wenhao & clem looks retarded there.haha! :/
okay nightsie :D

P.S. I wanner go to the zooo

Saturday, May 23, 2009 { 8:34 PM }

Okay just a quick update before heading out :/
Lotsa stuff on for the past few days.Ssm was okay.This monday assistant headwaiter.
Monday peeps we're so gonna make mr goh smile from ear to ear okay! & poor alistair.table of 21.VIP.jiayou we'll all try to help you as much as possible!

Today went back school to train the captains & 2waiters.the rest couldnt make it.but overall it was not too bad.quite fun.but iam a teensy wee bit scared for some of them :/ marketing test's on monday 6.30pm.ssm's on monday as well D: 5chapters of marketing its super annoying max lar.but on a side note.holidays are coming! :D i've booked proficiency test on the monday during the mid sem test week.zomgxz.& mid sem's only accounting.but thats something iam really bad in D: anyone wanner be my tutor preetty pls! D:

okay.iam no longer in my shitass weird mood anymore.YAY YAY aint you guys glad that the old grace's back?! :D lets all celebrate wheeeee.
& idk how ____________________________(fill in the blanks)

if only one day _____________________(fill in the blanks)

i swear i could eat up an elephant right now!

& hoho i saw huiwen & qinglong at biz concourse today.huiwen you should just admit to it already! no point denying anymore haha!

okay iam off.friends jio me out during my holidays okay! :D

Sunday, May 17, 2009 { 2:06 PM }

I want to go to the zoo.
I want to go to the beach.
I want to go to the malls.
I want to go to the place where I can stop pretending that iam really happy.

I should be stronger

Saturday, May 16, 2009 { 7:56 PM }

i cant take any shit anymore.all the chunks of different feelings are like smacking me at my face at the same time & i cant take any of this shit anymore.fullstop